How to Write SEO Content (2021)

How to Write SEO Content 2021 7 Tips

How do you write SEO content? Well, first thing first, don't write SEO content. SEO content has a bad reputation. It has long been associated with some bad, deceptive, and unethical methods so-called SEO experts used trying to manipulate search engine spiders. Google today is way too smart to reward black hat SEO tactics. When I say SEO content, I mean content for people: compelling, valuable, easy to read and understand, and content that has it all to rank well on search engines. Here are my 8 tips on how to optimize your content for search: 

How to Write SEO Content 2021

Tip 1: Define a focus keyword 

The focus keyword is the main phrase that your readers will type in Google to find your content. Check out how many searches this phrase gets per month to decide if it's a good one to rank for. For example, if you're writing an article that compares project management tools, your focus keyword can be "Asana vs Trello." Or if you want to help business owners start selling their products online, your focus keyword can sound like "how to sell products online.

Tip 2: Understand 

your reader’s search intent. Every search term has a why behind it. Why did the reader google “what is the blockchain” or “how to make a YouTube channel”? In the first case, they probably want to learn more about the distributed ledger, while in the second case, they most likely want to build their own YouTube channel. Search intent is what reader wants to accomplish when they type something into the search engine. Google can detect a reader's search intent based on the keywords used and rank pages based on how well they address the reader's search intent. To align your content with your reader's search intent, you need to analyze the search results for the focus keyword you want to rank for. Go on Google and type in the focus keyword you want to rank for. By looking at the first page of Google, you can decide what type of content you need to create (a blog post, a landing page, a video), what form your content should take (list, comparison, how-to guide), and what angle you should choose for your story. For example, if we try to google Asana vs Trello, we'll find lots of articles and even videos that explain the difference between those two tools helping the reader choose the right one. Most search results for how to sell products online focus on either the websites where to sell online, or give step-by-step guides. I talk about the reader's search intent in the first chapter of my book From Reads to Leads: 11 Principles of Writing Content People will read and Respond To. Make sure you check it out right here 

Tip 3: Use search optimized 

content structure Your content structure needs to be organized in a logical hierarchy with subheadings wrapped in H2 tags. If there’re clear sections within yourH2 tags, use the H3 tag, and so forth in a logical order. Try to use keywords related to the main topic in your subheadings, if that makes sense. But don't overuse one and the same keyword throughout your text. 

Tip 4: Write a search optimized Meta Title 

Meta Title is your content's title displayed search engine result snippets. When writing your title, keep in mind that you need to place your focus keyword at the start of your title tag and keep it under 70characters. For example, if your focus keyword is "how to sell products online," your meta title should start with exactly that: How to Sell Products Online After this, you can add some more copy to make your title sound more appealing, for example: How to Sell Products Online (and Where OnlineExactly) How to Sell Products Online, From Home, WithNo Inventory How to Sell Products Online: Kickstart Guide for Beginners And so on. The thing that is important that your title needs to reflect what your story is going to be about. 

Tip 5: Write a search optimized Meta Description 

Meta Description is what appears on the search under your title tag. A well-written Meta Description can be the difference between getting the click and not. Be informative, use a call to action, include a focus keyword or its synonym, and make sure your Meta Description is no less than160 characters. 

Tip 6: Write a search optimized H1 tag 

H1 tag should be the main heading on your page. Like you did when you wrote the Meta Title, make sure you place the focus keyword or its synonym at the start of your H1 tag. For example, if your focus keyword is Asanavs Trello, your H1 tag may sound like this: Asana vs Trello: Which One Is Better for ProjectManagement? 

Tip 7: Use the focus keyword in the first paragraph 

But do so naturally. Ideally, you want your focus keyword to appear within the first 100 words. Tip 8: Include internal links Always link to other pages on your website that are relevant to your content. When linking, use anchor text. For example, if you want to link to an article with a focus keyword "books for writers" use the phrase "books for writers" as your anchor text. There you have it: 8 tips to write SEO content: 1. Define a focus keyword 2. Understand your reader’s intent 3. Create a search optimized content structure 4. Write a search optimized meta title 5. Write a search optimized Meta Description 6. Write a search optimized H1 tag 7. Use the focus keyword in the first paragraph 8. Include internal links Always strive to write and publish amazing content that addresses your reader's needs and solves their problems. This won't only help you get the desired rankings, but will also help you hit your marketing targets.

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