WhatsApp clarifies privacy policies: WhatsApp Updates On Privacy Policy

WhatsApp clarifies privacy policies

WhatsApp recently updated its privacy policy and made it mandatory for users to accept them. If users do not accept, the account will be deleted by February 8.

WhatsApp clarifies privacy policies

Because of this, many people are worried that their data on WhatsApp is not secure and it could be leaked. Many people decided to stop using WhatsApp and switch to apps like Signal and Telegram. There were reports that private messages between friends and families were leaking to Google. WhatsApp has said that people can accept the updated policies because it does not affect the privacy of messages with friends or family.

Instead, this update includes messages or business-related changes on WhatsApp.

Private messages will not be accessed. WhatsApp shared a list of information, which they will not share with Facebook. Let me tell you about them. WhatsApp cannot see your private messages or listen to your calls. Nor Facebook. WhatsApp does not keep logs of people who are messaging or calling everyone. WhatsApp cannot see your shared location. Nor Facebook.

WhatsApp does not share its contacts with Facebook. WhatsApp group will remain private. You can set your messages to disappear. You can download your data and Facebook will not be able to access it.

Many people are also worried about the group chat message leaking. WhatsApp said that we do not share WhatsApp group data and it will remain private. It will not be shared with Facebook. WhatsApp stresses that private messages cannot be viewed by WhatsApp or Facebook. It can only be seen by the sender and receiver

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